The Dragon

The Dragon Path is not for the weak, nor for the faint.

The Dragon Doorway is for the bold, for the courageous, for the fierce at heart; It is not for one who finds themselves at the start.

For behind this doorway lies a magic deep and old; and from it comes a story seldom told.

This is a story, deep and true

This is a story; one of YOU.

So allow the Dragons to tell their tale;

Allow them to spin and twirl and carry you without fail.

The Session

Dragons are intense spiritual figures that represent mastery on all accounts. Mind, Body, and Spirit, no aspect of self is neglected when working with the dragons. Prepare for greatness, and yet also resistance when it comes to facing certain aspects of yourself. Resistance is like the natural push and pull of the tides, and walking the Dragon Path will deepen your understanding of all things.

This is for you if...

As stated, this session is not for the beginner, but also do not let that statement deter you. You could feel like you are a “beginner” in this lifetime, yet the dragons have guided you here for a reason. It is time for you now to embody your brightest future yet, which means letting go of the past.

We will help you with that. Using the fire of the heart, it is time to burn through all which hinders your growth. ​

book your session

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